5 Mistakes Plant Managers Make Refinishing Floors

Updating the floors of a manufacturing plant or a warehouse is a big job. But, once a floor starts showing signs of wear and tear, installing a new one is of upmost importance. With more than ten years in the industry, the crew at Liquid Floors wants to share with you some of the top mistakes they see plant managers make over and over again.

Waiting Too Long

Installing a new floor in your plant takes time and, more importantly, it takes planning. You want your floor replaced as soon as possible, but keep in mind that flooring companies are busy. Reputable contractors schedule their jobs at least three weeks in advance, and even up to six months for shutdown work.

Shutdown work often occurs in July, when many people are on vacation, and in December, for the Christmas holiday. If you have some down time with your plant and want to have your floor replaced, be sure to begin your search for a contractor now, so you’re able to get your installation on the calendar before its too late.

Choosing the Lowest Price

In an effort to save money, you may only look at one thing when evaluating contractors – the price. While the price of a contract should be fair, keep in mind that price should not be the only factor.

Cheaper is not always better. When comparing quotes, be sure to keep in mind the differences between the products being quoted—as some may be of higher quality. Also, consider the level of expertise the contractors brings to the project. Years of experience installing floors can make the difference between a well-done flooring project and one that needs replacing a few years down the road.

Not Researching Your Options

Just as contractors are not created equal, epoxy flooring systems can differ greatly as well. Epoxy flooring is a great option for plant floors; however, each facility has its own unique challenges and needs. You’ll want to find a contractor that understands these needs and is quoting a system that is best for your facility.

Some of the issues your contractor should be approaching are:

  • Level of traffic
  • Chemical resistance
  • The timeline for installation
  • Moisture levels

Research your options and have a full understanding of what your facility needs prior to choosing a solution.

Trying to Rush the Process

We realize you want your plant fully operational in the fastest amount of time. However, installing floors takes time. You will save yourself major headaches—and money—down the road by taking the time now to get it done right.

Finding the right flooring system and getting it installed correctly will ultimately save you time and resources down the line. Take the extra time at the beginning and you won’t regret it.

Not Planning Ahead

Once the new floor is installed, and ready to be utilized, your floor isn’t complete quite yet. In order to see that investment lasts as long as possible, adhere to a proper maintenance and cleaning program after it’s installed.

Creating a system in which the floor is properly maintained will add years to its life and will allow you and your facility to work worry free for a long time.


These tips are coming from the experts at Liquid Floors. We’ve worked with a myriad of companies on a wide variety of flooring solutions. Avoiding these five mistakes will save you time, money, and most importantly, downtime of your facility. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

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