Which is better, epoxy floor coatings or concrete floor polishing? As epoxy and flooring professionals, what do you recommend? Those are questions we get regularly when helping a customer improve their facility.
Our answer in short: it depends. The best option for you depends on your needs, wants and objectives. Are you comparing aesthetics, chemical resistance, cost of installation, ease of cleaning, or long-term maintenance? We’ll go into detail on all of these different needs and wants through a multi-part blog series.
To start the series, let’s focus on how we see it and the different attractive concrete floor options.
Aesthetics is really a personal/company decision. What I find looks great many others will find to be ugly. We have a customer that coats their floor with the ugliest yellow color I have ever seen! They love it and it works for them.
It doesn’t matter what we think as long as it works for the customer. Epoxy coatings and concrete polishing both offer increased light reflectivity and improve a facility’s appearance.
Epoxy coatings offer almost unlimited options in colors. Even more so, the colors can be matched to exactly what the customer wants. These concrete coatings can have a high shine or they can have a matte finish appearance. To add more variety and customization, you also have numerous decorative quartz and flake options.
Concrete polishing can offer dyes to color the concrete. However, as compared to epoxy coating, the options are limited. Also, the colors are very dependent upon the actual concrete. For example: If the concrete has different pours or areas that have been cut out and replaced then the color will be different.
Another difference between the two is that exact color matching is not an option for polished concrete floors. Whenever a customer requests to dye their concrete, I tell them I don’t recommend it. The reason for this is simple: the results vary too much. Some still insist though, so for them I tell them what I told my kids when they were little “you get what you get and you don’t pitch a fit”.
Variety gives the win for aesthetics to epoxy coatings, but either option will improve the appearance of your facility floor drastically. At the end of the day which one looks best to you, your employees and customers is which one you should choose.
Contact Us
Give us a call at 704-543-7565 or email us at info@liquidfloors.com and Liquid Floors, Inc will help you select the best option for your facility, your customers and your company.