EPOXY COATINGS VS. CONCRETE POLISHING: Chemical Resistant Concrete Options




On our last blog we began looking into which is better, epoxy floor coatings or concrete floor polishing by comparing the aesthetic features of the two. You can read more about attractive concrete floors options here.

The best option for you of course depends on your needs, wants and objectives.  Are you comparing aesthetics, chemical resistance, cost of installation, ease of cleaning, or long-term maintenance?  We’re going into detail on all of these different needs and wants through a multi-part blog series.

Next up, we’re looking at the chemical resistant concrete floor options of the differing options.


Chemical Resistant Concrete Floors

Chemical resistance is really dependent on what chemical or chemicals you are trying to protect from.  I always worry about the term “chemical resistant”, I have had more than one vendor tell me their products were chemical resistant and they really were not chemical resistant to what most people perceive as chemical resistant.  They might be chemical resistant to a soft cleaning agent they were not resistant to any kinds of acids or harsh solvents. The question that needs to be asked is what chemical are you trying to protect from? 

Concrete polishing has a couple of guards that we can burnish in at the end of the process that will repel oil, but they do not offer any real protection.  Through the process of polishing and densifying the concrete the pores of the concrete are closed significantly. This will help to slow the penetration of chemicals into the concrete, but it is not a solution for chemical protection.  Any types of acids or harsh chemicals can damage the concrete.

Using the term epoxy coatings to encompass all types of coatings most chemicals can be contained.  Epoxies, MMA, urethane, vinyl ester and cementitious urethanes all offer protection from different chemicals.  They all offer unique options and different price points. While protecting the concrete may be your main objective in a battery charge area do you care if the coating stains from battery acid?  If so, you need to make that clear when discussing a coating system with potential installers.  

Epoxy coatings is the clear winner when it comes to chemical resistant concrete floor options.  Concrete polishing is just not an option when it comes to protecting your concrete from chemical exposure.  Liquid Floors, Inc. works with numerous vendors to provide the right products and solutions for your unique application.  We install simple epoxy systems for battery charge areas to complex vinyl ester for harsh paint stripping environments. 


Contact Us

Give us a call at 704-543-7565 or email us at info@liquidfloors.com and Liquid Floors, Inc will help you select the best option for your facility, your customers and your company. 

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