Floor Coating Systems for Healthcare Facilities

pharmaceutical floors

There are few industries that require the level of quality like the healthcare industry – in all forms of operation. From patient privacy and comfort to appeasing regulatory agencies, hospitals, emergency rooms and operating theaters all require a step above normal practices. This includes the facility’s flooring system.

Outfitting a hospital is no easy feat. Sanitation, hygiene, and drainage are necessary components that need to be examined. Using Epoxy Floor Coatings over concrete floors is a state of the art solution for many hospital and healthcare facilities.

Here are three components to keep in mind when choosing a flooring system for your healthcare facility and to help determine whether an epoxy floor coating is right for your needs.

Easy to Clean and Disinfect

Every floor needs to be easy to clean, whether it’s a kitchen or bathroom floor, or a manufacturing floor. With the potential threat of disease spread, the floor in a medical facility needs to be especially easy to clean. Spending time scrubbing and recoating a floor should not be a worry in a hospital or healthcare setting. These types of facilities have another factor they need to consider – disinfection.

The type of flooring required needs to withstand consistent detergent and disinfectant cleanings. While the Center for Disease Control (CDC) hasn’t specifically required strong or harsh disinfectants to be used while disinfecting floors, an EPA-low grade detergent or disinfectant is recommended. Having a flooring solution that can hold up to consistent washings and remain hygienic needs to be a consideration.

Epoxy floor coatings are among the easiest floors to clean as they have no seams to catch dirt, dust or even bacteria. The coating also withstands various detergents and disinfectants and will not wear away or erode throughout time.


Beyond the standard cleaning, healthcare facilities flooring gets wet – and not just with water. While it’s not pleasant to think about, blood and other bodily fluids often end up on an emergency or operating room’s floor. This reality means the floor must be designed in such a way to allow for proper drainage.

While the required floor drainage systems may vary depending on the state or even the county of the healthcare facility, public health organizations and the CDC are specific on the need for proper and sanitary drainage. Prior to installing a floor, research your regions particular requirements. Liquid Floors can also help determine the drainage solution for your facility.

Slip and Impact Resistance

Due to the bodily fluids mentioned above, having a slip resistant surface is also of utmost importance. Healthcare workers shouldn’t worry about whether they will be slipping down the hall as they run to a code. Or if an emergency arises, stepping over any liquid puddle on the floor isn’t top priority in the heat of the moment.

Flooring solutions with a non-slip component will allow for the safety of the medical workers, the patients, and their families. Many flooring solutions have a non-slip component, including epoxy floor coatings that can include minuscule pieces of quartz to make a rough surface area that drastically limits the chance of slipping.

Healthcare floors also take a beating. Heavy equipment, rolling carts, and large loads all damage a floor. It’s important for facilities to find a flooring solution that sustains whatever comes its way. With epoxy floor coatings, the durability of the floor can be determined based on the epoxy resin and hardener used.


Considering these components when choosing the flooring solution of a healthcare facility will greatly impact the type of floor chosen and ensure the floor’s longevity. Liquid Floors can help you and your team determine the requirements of your flooring system. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

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