Polished Concrete Floor vs. a Floor Coated Epoxy- Which is better for your industrial floor?

Aviation Resinous Epoxy Floor Coating

Choosing an industrial floor can be one of the most important decisions to make. Your company must factor in: cost, durability, environmental factors, and aesthetics. Through our experience we have found that floor coated epoxy and polished concrete are by far the best solutions for your industrial floor. These two approaches are efficient, low in cost, and make for a great looking floor. Which industrial flooring approach best fits your company?

Epoxy Coating:

In this video you see an epoxy coating applied to the floor.


A floor coated epoxy is a very popular method for industrial flooring. It is formed from two different chemicals, a resin and a hardener. When the two compounds are mixed together, they form a chemical bond. The result is a strong quality floor coated epoxy. There are many strengths and benefits to selecting a floor coated epoxy:

  • Protect from chemical spills
  • Increase light reflectivity by 300%
  • Prevents slipping
  • Enhances durability of floor
  • Bonds easily with cement or concrete
  • Water resistant
  • Conceals old breaks or cracks

Polished Concrete:

In this video you see the process of polishing concrete

Benefits of Concrete Polishing

A polished concrete floor provides a low cost and environmentally friendly solution to your industrial flooring needs. Heavy-duty polishing machines grind down concrete surfaces to create a smooth shine. There are many strengths and benefits to selecting a polished concrete floor:

Manufacturing concrete polishing

  • Eliminates further waste
  • Reduces environmental foot print for your company
  • Leaves a clean and smooth surface, and nothing to scratch or peel
  • Increases light reflectivity by 100%
  • Densifies and hardens the concrete up to 40%
  • Polishing improves floor flatness


Though, the two sciences contrast in many ways, a floor coated epoxy and a polished concrete floor is comparable, and both are low in cost. Each approach has great benefits and attributes. Which ever approach you choose, they will be the best solution for your industrial flooring needs. In the end, they both create a quality, smooth, and durable industrial floor for years and years.

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