What is Cementitious Urethane?

liquid floors concrete urethane for food processing industry

cementitious urethane on floorsCementitious urethane is commonly referred to as urethane concrete or urethane mortar. In layman’s terms, it’s a type of floor coating; but it also happens to be one of the best coatings on the market today for a number of reasons.

What is Cementitious Urethane Made Out Of?

Cementitious urethane is a modified urethane with Portland cement, water, aggregate and other fine materials. The product was originally designed and formulated for the food and beverage industry to handle the daily wash downs and thermal shock of the facilities.

Let’s look at traditional epoxy floor systems for comparison. Epoxy floors are mixing two liquids together to form a reaction. That reaction cures the flooring and creates the great coating that epoxy is known for. Cementitious urethane, on the other hand, uses two liquids mixed with common cement, known as Portland cement, to create a solid surface.

What are the Benefits of Cementitious Urethane?

This bond between liquid and cement creates a product that has many benefits other flooring solutions simply can’t offer. Let’s explore three of the main benefits:

  1. Liquid Barrier.  Unlike concrete, this system is impervious to water and various other liquids. This quality makes it the perfect solution for the food and beverage industry when it was created. It is also a great option for any industry that requires a daily wash down and/or sterilization, such as the pharmaceutical industry.
  2. Seamless Application. This system can also be installed with a seamless application. Maintaining a seamless floor throughout the entirety of a facility can help decrease the level of bacteria or harmful chemicals getting stuck in the seams.
  3. Thermal Stability. Able to withstand extreme temperature swings from -330°F to +240°F, cementitious urethane offers a thermal stability that is unparalleled to anything on the market today. These urethanes can also expand and contract at the same rate as concrete, allowing for a very low risk of bending, buckling, or cracking.

The product has double the strength of concrete and can be installed in thicknesses varying from 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch, depending on the facility’s need. It is also self-leveling and can be laid as a stand-alone product or decorative quartz/flake. This coating can also be installed with additional topcoats to provide for additional wear protection or non-skid properties.

Another great advantage this system has over traditional epoxy floors is that you can install it over green concrete. This means you don’t have to worry about any residual moisture in the concrete slowing up your new construction schedule.

Is this the best option for you?

Cementitious urethane is a great flooring solution for a number of industries. Is this system right for your facility? Give Liquid Floors, Inc. a call today and we will help you find out!  https://liquidfloors.com/


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