Concrete Polishing

Increase Your Floors Light Reflective Value with Polished Concrete

2022-06-14T15:18:00+00:00By |Blog, Concrete Floor Options, Concrete Polishing|

In a world that is increasingly concerned with energy-saving and green building solutions, lighting systems are changing to meet market demand. Commercial, industrial and retail sectors are all adopting these modern solutions to lower electrical bills and conserve energy. Even with access to modern technology, engineers still find it difficult to predict or control reflection.

Wet and Dry Concrete Polishing

2022-05-17T19:29:41+00:00By |Concrete Polishing|

Wet and Dry Concrete Polishing The concrete polishing industry continues to improve rapidly.  New methods, tooling and liquids are being introduced regularly to provide the best solution at the lowest cost while reducing waste and the impact on the environment. Wet and dry concrete polishing are two of the main concrete polishing methods.

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