Commercial Warehouse Flooring That Meets OSHA Requirements

Warehouse floors are busy. And without proper demarcation, serious accidents and injuries can occur. That’s why floor markings are used throughout warehouse facilities to help denote boundaries and object location, direct pedestrian flow, and bring attention to areas requiring extra care for operational and safety reasons. In fact, these warehouse floor markings are required by OSHA.

Operating in a warehouse that’s compliant with OSHA recommendations is crucial for avoiding the steep fines and other consequences you may face. At Liquid Floors, we understand OSHA requirements and provide concrete floor coatings that are both durable and compliant.

an empty warehouse showing floors by LiquidFloors

High-Quality Flooring Systems for Warehouse & Storage Facilities

Having the right flooring in your facility helps to ensure proper movement, stability, and productivity. Concrete floor coatings are one of the more viable options in industrial flooring and are widely used in warehouse and storage facilities. Using an epoxy or concrete floor coating will help your floors last longer, look great, and minimize maintenance. That’s why Liquid Floors provides high-quality concrete flooring solutions that are designed specifically for warehouse and storage facilities.

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Benefits of Liquid Floors’ Warehouse Flooring Solutions

Because they are adaptable to any warehouse setting and require very little maintenance, floor coatings have been used in warehouses and storage facilities for years. Additional advantages include:

Concrete floor coatings are durable, with the ability to withstand heavy traffic and use. They are resistant to many types of abuse and corrosion while maintaining safety standards as well as functional finishes.
Epoxy floors and concrete floor coating systems are very easy to clean. Floors can be swept and mopped daily to keep them clean, and there’s no waxing or buffing required.
When working in a warehouse, accidents are likely to occur. Floor coatings create a slip-resistant barrier, and they also allow for customization and markings that enhance the safety within the facility.
Floor markings are a safety requirement that OSHA expects all warehouses to adhere to. Concrete floor coatings allow for customization and the installation of floor markings that assist in streamlining workflow and providing for an efficient workplace.
Concrete floor coatings are cost-efficient and last for years before they need maintenance or additional applications. This saves time, money, and quickly improves the look and efficiency of any warehouse facility.

Types of Warehouse Concrete Flooring Systems

Epoxy coated floors

Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy is a very popular type of surface coating for concrete floors that prevents them from deteriorating over time. Epoxy coatings are durable, stain resistant, chemical resistant, and customizable to any type of warehouse or storage flooring needs. At Liquid Floors, we have years of experience applying epoxy and floor markings in warehouse facilities throughout the southeast. We can help you determine whether epoxy is the best solution for getting your warehouse floor to look and perform its best.

Polished Concrete floors on a warehouse

Concrete Floor Coatings

The purpose of floor coatings is to protect concrete flooring that is expected to be subjected to heavy wear and corrosion within a warehouse or storage setting. They are also used to brighten, define, and mark certain areas of a warehouse in order to make facilities safer. There are many types of floor coatings available, including epoxies, MMAs, polyaspartics, and urethanes. The professionals at Liquid Floors have extensive experience applying all types of floor coatings, and we can help you select the right type for your warehouse or storage facility.

Find the Best Floor Coatings for Your Warehouse & Storage Facility

Working in a warehouse or enclosed storage facility requires a flooring solution that can provide a number of benefits. It is no secret that an endless array of situations can occur in warehouses and storage facilities, but installing a concrete floor coating system can help to alleviate common hazards in numerous ways.

To learn more about how epoxy floors and concrete floor coatings can benefit your warehouse or storage facility, contact Liquid Floors.

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